The Asiatic Lily Bouquet, a perfect blend of natural beauty and sophistication. This exquisite bouquet features delicate Asiatic lilies in either pink or white, complemented by lush green foliage for a truly elegant arrangement.
Unlike traditional lilies, Asiatic lilies are non-perfumed, making them a great choice for those with sensitivities. The absence of scent also allows the natural beauty of the lilies to shine through. This versatile bouquet is suitable for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to celebrations and condolences. It makes for a thoughtful and tasteful gift that will be sure to impress.
Experience the joy and elegance of the Asiatic Lily Bouquet, available for just $55. Don't miss out on the opportunity to add a touch of sophistication to any occasion. Order now and give the gift of natural beauty.
Please note, colours and flowers may be substituted to ensure the freshest and most beautiful bouquet possible.